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Purchase Permits ZTL  On-line

 It is possible to buy the ZTL permits for tourist buses via internet at least 36h in advance with the online service.

Go to the link

and follow the instructions.

Before attending the purchase, read the Condizioni di Acquisto Lasciapassare

Register your credit card in the 3-D secure protocol.
Transaction even more secure.Our online service has joined the new 3-D SECURE STANDARD SYSTEM of the most known international circuits: Verified by Visa and SecureCodeTM for Mastercard’s.  

What is the 3D secure protection system? How does it works?The 3D secure service is a free of charge system that guarantees protection against unauthorized use of your card each time you make a online purchase

It helps to protect your online transactions by guaranteeing an additional layer of assurance to processed transactions.

At first the holder has to register his card to the 3D-Secure service on his own circuit. He receives  a private code, that has to be entered together with the credit card’s details, before authorizing the payment of a purchase on the website.

It is now possible to proceed with the online purchase of the ZTL permits.


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